More CollecTin Colours

Good News: Our CollecTin More is now available with a range of coloured windows to suit your brand, or a custom-printed window for bulk orders.

You can configure the CollecTin More with new coloured windows here or retrofit your existing unit here. Alternatively, talk to us about our made-to-order custom window options. 

From polka dot teddies and rainbows, to yellow daffodils and pink ribbons, charities have long used colour to get themselves noticed.  

Vibrant colours help charities stand out in a crowed space and make their branding look instantly recognisable. Colours evoke emotion - with the Red of the Red Cross giving us a feeling of urgency and action. The yellow of Dogs Trust and Marie Curie offering hope and optimism and the blue of Unicef and the RSPA evoking feelings of trust and reliability. Emotions are of course individual but all charities use colour to create a positive association with a brand and its supporters.  

We’ve long championed the use of colour to help our charities stand out and connect with their supporters. Our CollecTin Original product offered charities the option of a fully branded vinyl wraps and coloured tops to align with their cause. Now, we’re delighted to extend this offering to our CollecTin More product, introducing bold, eye-catching coloured tops that not only draw attention but also allow charities to customise the donation experience by linking their CollecTin device with their on-screen branding. It's all part of our commitment to helping charities amplify their message, build trust and maximise their impact. 

The power of colour cannot be underestimated when it comes to standing out and making an impact. In a world where charities must compete for attention, a bold, colourful device is a simple yet effective way to attract donors, spark curiosity, and leave a lasting impression. With the right use of colour, your charity can truly stand out from the crowd and inspire even greater generosity. 

Life is too short for black and white - find your true colours when you shop for CollecTin More. 

More CollecTin Colours