Black Friday Deal: Boost Your Charity’s Fundraising with CollecTin More & SumUp

This Black Friday, CollecTin and SumUp are excited to offer charities an exclusive deal to enhance their fundraising efforts with a contactless donation option. 

Accepting contactless donations brings multiple benefits, including quicker, more convenient giving experiences for your supporters. With our CollecTin More device with SumUp, charities can seamlessly collect donations with the added flexibility that today’s donors expect.

CollecTin More benefits:

  • Pre-installed fundraising software from Give A Little (additional subscription applies), allows donors to choose from up to six preset donation amounts, or enter a custom amount.
  • Build trust with donors by creating customised fundraising campaigns through the Give A Little account,
  • Boost donation amounts using the integrated Gift Aid function.
  • Our CollecTin More can be handheld or fixed to a countertop or wall with our optional secure mount.  
  • Increase your engagement with use of video on welcome and thank you screens.
  • Stay connected at all times through WiFi or a 4G SIM option.

Our Black Friday offer includes £20 off each CollecTin More and zero SumUp transaction fees* on the first £350 raised! Given the average annual donations our customers receive with each CollecTin, this offer should allow you to enjoy fee-free donations for your first month.

Don’t miss out - head to our shop and use code BLACKSUMUP20 at checkout to take advantage of this deal which is valid for the whole of November!

*Applies to new SumUp accounts created in November only.

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